Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Final 20 Abstract Images!!

     This image is interesting because you start looking at one arrow going one way than you look at another going a different way. It makes your eyes move through out the picture.
     This picture is interesting because it shows a small amount of thick lines moving through the center of the picture.It also leads your eyes through the picture.
   This has a small amount of lines that are tiny but thick.With only two colors it is interesting.
 This picture is like a web. It starts at the bottom of the page and leads you out to the edge of the paper so you see it all. It captures you.
  This is  interesting because the bottle is the only thing in focus and has much detail. You can see the water in it and the fine lines of the bottle too. It draws you in with its detail.
This is interesting because it leads you down.You can tell it is a shot taken from the top and the picture leads you downwards with the shapes.
 The different shapes are very interesting. They lead you through the picture even if thy are oddly shaped.
 The same repeated pattern with a shadow. Reppition is interesting in its own way.
 It may be a star but the patterns inside are unique.There different, complex, and simple. the differences brings in people to see what the object really is.
  The repetition of the beads and the nice pattern make you think it is something interesting. It has a lot of detail and has little abstract designs in the patterns.  
    This is interesting because it is like splashes and flowers. The lines overlap giving it more detail and drawing people in.
 Glitter!!!! The multiple colors are cool and there are no defined lines of wher the colors end that's cool. The colors sort of mash together.
 The pattern of the blue and white stripes is very common but still likable. It is interesting because it captures eyes and the lines are not evenly spaced.
           The multiple circles make you wonder what the object is.
 The back is obviously brick. But with detail. You can see the tiny itty bitty specs. What is the blue thing? 
 Two different designs. This is tricky to guess what this is because it has flame red on one side and green grass on the other.
 The first thing you see is the dark red than the light red than the thing floating. It is interesting that you can see the layering in the object. It makes it cool.
 Multiple lines pointing different ways. You can see about three colors in there or more.  The unusual lines lead the person through the picture. 
 Threads that are multiple colors that are shooting in different directions.
Little tiny strings in all different directions, one color but still cool.
It is interesting and captivating. There are multiple small threads weaved together to make one big thread that is weaved together with other threads.All different colors. Making an interesting picture. 
The thick lines going one way and the other lines going the other lead you through the picture.

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